Who We Are

This website was created by everyday grassroots folks who are disheartened by the commercialism and lack of awareness behind the true meaning of Christmas. Thank you for visiting us.

Simple Message

A single word… REMEMBER!!

Our Posts

All of us, from the richest, to the poorest have exactly the same number of hours in a day.  This makes time, as precious…NO more precious than gold.

1.     Taking a shift at a local Salvation Army Kettle Drive.  Better yet…… BRING YOUR KIDS along and let them experience collecting donations for those less fortunate.
2.     Take your children to a discount coat store like Burlington, or better yet, support your local charity based thrift store.  Remind your children that there are other children in our very community who shiver on cold mornings while they wait for their school bus.  Have them pick out a coat that they like to give to another child.  Most cities have a “Coats for Kids” drive, and if not, local social services can usually see that your gesture benefits those in need.
3.     Serve a meal at a local soup kitchen, and again, bring friends, significant others, and your children to let them experience feeding the hungry.
4.     Spend an evening together watching Charlie Browns Christmas, It’s a Wonderful Life, etc.  While watching, string popcorn and cranberries.  You will create a traditional garland for decorating and, more importantly, create a warm memory.  When it is time to take down the garland, hang it in the back yard.  Your popcorn and cranberry garland will be easily seen by birds and will be a welcome meal for many of God’s hungry creatures.

By making this world just a little bit better, a child is given the gift of an experience that needs no assembly, requires no warranty, has no expiration date, but significant meaning.

Please send us any additional suggestions and ideas for giving that you have experienced and that you regard as meaningful.  We will post them here for others to Consider.
If you agree with the sentiment and goal of this site, PLEASE help us spread the word.
1.     Share this site to your Facebook and other social media sites.
2.     Ask your church to post a link to our site on their website and in their news letters/bulletins.
3.     Simply REMEMBER!

Mary Did You Know

Silent Night

Christmas Cannon

Little Drummer Boy